Linda Wagner

Bachelor of Arts Communication Design
My name is Linda Wagner and I am a communication designer with heart and mind. A clear design is just as important to me as communication and interaction with people. For me, design is a tool to create sustainable values. In the future I would like to convey this as a book designer, illustrator and in courses.
Used Software
InDesign, Photoshop, Lightroom
Contact Details
- Mail: lindawagnerdesign@gmail.com
- Website: lindawagner.eu
- Instagram: _linda_wagner_
30 Flowers and one Bird
A herbarium for your senses

The need for a break and a conscious contact with nature is increasing for many people. In order to be able to meet the desire for it in everyday life, I designed a special herbarium. The design takes into account the natural basic idea and thus provides sensory feedback. Experimental plant photographs are complemented by sensual texts and let you escape from the thought carousel.
Our lives are becoming increasingly hectic and uncertain. At the same time, we demand more and more from ourselves. People who are in the middle of their working lives, are starting a family or have already started one, experience this even more intensely.
The need for a break and a conscious contact with nature is increasing.
In order to be able to meet the desire for nature even in hectic everyday life, I designed a special herbarium in the form of a coffee table book. A thread binding and the natural feel of the paper give the viewer sensual feedback.
Detailed plant photographs and an experimental approach to them are supplemented by personal short stories and informative texts.
The book gives you the opportunity to just take five minutes to yourself to clear your head. The detailed photographs and texts manage to interrupt the exhausting merry-go-round of thoughts. You feel grounded again and draw new energy.
Many thanks to Prof. Quass von Deyen and Prof. Scheinberger for the great advice and supervision during my work.
I would also like to thank my friends for proofreading, criticising, encouraging, rethinking and sharpening my eyes. And the biggest thanks go to my family, who had to endure a semester of pressed plants in every corner of the house, unironed laundry and much more. Thank you for putting up with it all!
- First Examiner: Prof. Dipl.-Des. RĂ¼diger Quass von Deyen
- Second Examiner: Prof. Dipl.-Des. Felix Scheinberger