Seif Sherif Nabih

Bachelor of Arts Communication Design
Analogue photography has fascinated and accompanied me enormously, despite its extinction in terms of craftsmanship. Of course, on the one hand, my Egyptian identity as a person who has spent his whole life in Germany has shaped me, but on the other hand, the work of my colleagues in the field of visual communication has also had a great influence on my career so far. For me, observing and filtering my environment, especially as a photographer, is of enormous added value – the most significant projects for me arose from encounters. The visual examination of visual material and its transfer into new projects is both the main task and the greatest challenge for me.
Used Software
Contact Details
- Mail: seifnabih@yahoo.de
- Instagram: seifordie

A Kult(ur)magazin for the reformation of the modern concept of cult
What does cult(ur) mean for me as a designer here in the West?
Is it that cult(ur), which I experience and perceive, shapes my identity and constitutes this social coexistence, which I am surrounded by every day? Is that why I am here and not somewhere else? TRANSSCRIPT Mag is a publication that portrays, in the form of a photo reportage, what I encounter in everyday life as a creative artist, what occupies and influences me.
With the photo-documentary examination of my observations and the questioning of these influences, this Kult(ur)mag gets to the bottom of the term cult. People who make up my environment in the here and now, and thus shape the concept of culture for me, are brought to the fore – perhaps the project is an attempt to bring together themes of different generations, or perhaps simply to be understood as a catalyst for the things that accompany me every day and have shaped my identity here in West Germany.
I would like to thank the design students, professors and lecturers who accompanied and inspired me during my studies, who motivated me on the worst days and, for example, always told me before big tasks not to lose sight of the goal. Among them are also the people within my family, who I don’t think have fully understood what I’m doing until today, and yet have always built me up and supported me. Mom, if you’re reading this, I finally got a bachelor’s degree. I still don’t know if that’s a good thing. For this project (and some others) I want to thank Mr. Quass von Deyen for cooperation and I will probably never again find someone who will be so patient with me. And most of all, my thanks go to Mr. Diehl for introducing me to the possibilities of the analog film lab. I would also like to thank Laura Flethe, Charles (name to be found out), Anna Olivia Bönke, Dennis Mielke, Nawang (last name to be found out),…
- First Examiner: Prof. Dipl.-Des. Rüdiger Quass von Deyen
- Second Examiner: Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Ralf Beuker