Laura Flethe

Bachelor of Arts Communication Design
As a creative, I explore different realities of life. I question what knowledge we reference in our work and what images we reproduce. My central question is: How can we occupy space through language and typography?
Used Software
Miro, Indesign, After Effects
Contact Details
- Mail: hi@lauraflethe.de
- Website: lauraflethe.de
- Instagram: lauraflethe
binding space
the search for the spatial existence of the book

binding space seeks to translate the intimate spatial experience of reading into a physical room and to make the book collectively and sensual enterable.
The book is not only bodily in space as an object, but also a thoroughly spatial medium through its structural design, its architecture and its content. What happens when we leave behind the object, the bound framework, the written formalities, the printed glyphs on paper? When letters become words, words become sentences, sentences become texts and texts become stories, we enter — as if through a portal — another world and forget the book object in our hands. This project seeks to translate this intimate spatial experience of reading into a physical room and to make the book collectively and sensual enterable. How does this process allow us to better understand and value the printed matter?
Lots of love for the people in my life that are always there for me <3
- First Examiner: Prof. Dipl.-Des. Henning Tietz
- Second Examiner: Dipl.-Des. Elisabeth Schwarz