Darya Bondarenko

Bachelor of Arts Product Design
Hello, I’m Darya and I’m fascinated by product design, creation and music. The projects at MSD have broadened my perspective and further increased my interest in design. I am particularly enthusiastic about product design because of its diversity. Observing, understanding and experimenting ultimately results in a unique product that arouses emotions through its functionality, innovation and aesthetics. I want to discover and develop new things and ensure more sustainability both through my actions, as well as my products.
Used Software
Adobe Indesign, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Premiere, SolidWorks
Contact Details
- Mail: daschabond@gmail.com
Participatory Design of a health-promoting Aid to prevent a Lack of Movement while working from Home

The human body is in need of motion. These days more and more people are working from home and are moving their body less as a result. With my project I want to help those people by stimulating more phyiscally activity. For this, an aid will facilitate to make their everyday life easier, boost work-performance and promote well-being.
Due to increasing digitization as well as the corona pandemic, working from home has become more important in the past 2 years. At first glance, this sounds wonderful. We save time otherwise spent on the way to work and at the same time we protect the environment. However, in this calculation the health aspect is being ignored, since working from home oftentimes comes with a lack of exercise and movement. Sitting for extended time periods along with little physical activity can lead to serious illnesses in the long term. Our body thrives on movement. In particular, sitting in the same position for a long period of time can quickly lead to muscle breakdown. With my project I would like to help stimulate people to more movement while working from home. To accomplish this, an aid will be designed to make their everyday life easier, increase work performance and promote well-being.
I would like to give a special thank you to my family, who have supported, motivated and inspired me the whole time through the process of preparing my bachelor‘s thesis. I would also like to thank professor Carolin Schreiber, who has counceled me and appraised my thesis. I especially appreciated her many hints and helpful suggestions.
- First Examiner: Prof. Dipl.-Des. Carolin Schreiber
- Second Examiner: Prof. Dipl.-Des. Steffen Schulz