Lena Maria Wulff

Bachelor of Arts Media Design
The topic of endometriosis has become more and more present in my environment in the last couple of years. Since I suffer from it myself, I want to further break down the taboo on the disease. My focus is on 2D animations, which is why I decided to create loops optimized for social media that can easily be shared by those affected.
Used Software
Procreate, Adobe Illustartor & After Effects
Contact Details
- Mail: wulff.lena@outlook.com
- Website: wulfflena.myportfolio.com
- Project Page: vimeo.com
- Instagram: lenamariawulff
Endless - endometriosis and the mental health

Animations about the impact of endometriosis on the mental health
About one in twelve people with a uterus suffer from endometriosis. In most cases, the disease occurs due to extreme pain during menstruation and can cause other comorbidities. The negative effects on mental health usually remain unmentioned and untreated. Three sequences show the permanent confrontation of the repetitive cycles that endometriosis entails. The problem runs through all situations in life: annoying questions from family members to which there seems to be no right answer, the regular neglect of one’s own work and the uncontrollable pain. Those affected should feel understood and know that there are more people suffering from the same disease. Also, they can send it to their friends and family members, which is intended to encourage them to question their own actions. To be able to integrate the clips on different platforms and devices, they work both as a coherent film and individual loops.
I am grateful to my husband Jona for his motivation and all the support during my studies. Thank you for the daily inspiration and courage you give me.
- First Examiner: Prof. Dipl.-Des. Henning Tietz
- Second Examiner: Dipl.-Des. Stefan Denecke