Lu Kohnen

Bachelor of Arts Communication Design
As a communication designer and illustrator, I want to deconstruct normative images and make people think and question. With my design tools I want to contribute to participatory processes that work towards a socially and ecologically just world for all.
Used Software
Indesign, Procreate
Contact Details
- Mail: lu.kohnen@posteo.de
- Project Page: drive.google.com
- Instagram: lu_unbequem
commons not capital

A toolkit that invites to analyze together capitalist growth constraints, to design commoning-based utopias and to get to know ways of transformation.
What crises does the capitalist compulsion to grow produce? Is our social and economic system as without alternative as it often seems? What would a world look like in which there is no money and no possessions? How can a transformation towards a more ecologically and socially just world be shaped?
The interactive workshop format gives space to the search for answers to these questions. Based on a story, it creates a learning space in which people practice together to shake up familiar structures, to question internalized patterns of thought and action, and to engage in change. Through input, exchange and visualizations, the supposedly impossible is made tangible. Transformation is inevitable in the face of multiple crises. Let’s engage in a common exchange and discover new perspectives and courage to act.
A big thank you to the people who participated in the trial workshops, who thought and developed with us.
- First Examiner: Prof. Dipl.-Des. Carolin Schreiber
- Second Examiner: Dipl.-Des. Elisabeth Schwarz