Ellen Klippert

Bachelor of Arts Illustration
When it comes to layout and design, I’m a fan of experimental typography, a passionate nitpicker and tend to have a love for details. I belong to the group of people who don’t like wet and cold weather, love turtleneck sweaters and drink more coffee than is good for them.
Used Software
Adobe Indesign, Photoshop, Illustrator
Contact Details
- Mail: ek448359@fh-muenster.de
Time: How does it change our environment and us?
A personal examination of time and its various facets.

Many people have different associations with the term “time”, most of which can be negative than positive. Nevertheless, all agree on one of its characteristics: Time changes. With it the appearance of nature changes in the form of the seasons and also once green landscapes become gray cities or vice versa from proud castles, decayed ruins. With time, a human also changes externally and internally: they grow up, get older and experience things in their lifetime that shape and change them.
I have captured some facets of time and our perception of it in the form of a book, and dedicated myself to three categories of time in particular: the past, present and future.
The design book is an attempt to approach this abstract subject, to make it a little more tangible and to focus attention on the fact that time itself is sometimes a creative force in its own right, incessantly shaping the environment and us.
A big thank you to all creative minds that supported me!
- First Examiner: Prof. Dipl.-Des. Daniel Braun
- Second Examiner: Dipl.-Des. Elisabeth Schwarz