Sophia Arlena Hölz

Master Media Design
Redesigning the world is my passion. As a designer, I see it as my responsibility to question the existing, to think in new ways and thus to create change. Of course, this is not always easy or tangible. Working closely with the people I am designing for is, therefore, an essential element of my work process.
Used Software
Figma, Indesign, Illustrator, Miro
Contact Details
- Mail: sophiahoelz@yahoo.de
- Instagram: sophiarlena
- LinkedIn: sophia-arlena-hölz-457a2a1a4
Federal Ministry for Animal Welfare
Promoting the Responsible Handling of Dogs

A concept to expand the infrastructure for dogs in Germany.
Animal welfare is no longer a niche topic, and the discussion goes far beyond moral obligations––it is time to live up to our responsibility towards animals and ensure more political visibility with the new Federal Ministry for Animal Welfare!
The dog as a domesticated being and a constant companion of humans has archived a special status; therefore, it is the focus of my project. It is dependent on us humans, whereby we as a society carry the responsibility for it. To promote responsible handling, my concept is an expansion of the infrastructure for dogs in Germany. The core of the project is an application that transparently provides dog owners with all infrastructural information concerning dogs, which will make everyday life easier for dog owners in the future.
- First Examiner: Prof. Dipl.-Des. Rüdiger Quass von Deyen
- Second Examiner: Prof. Dipl.-Des. Daniel Braun