Joel Ernst

Master Media Design
Design gives me the power to simplify, to do good for the world or to move people. I’m a designer so I can make things better than they were before. For that purpose the wheel does not have to be reinvented, because it is well known the small things in life are those which makes it worth living.
Used Software
Miro, Figma, Adobe cc
Contact Details
- Mail: Joelernst@googlemail.com
- Project Page: figma.com
- Project Page: ambientsphere.com
- Instagram: indivijoel_design
- Instagram: feuerteufel.94
- Instagram: ambient_sphere
- LinkedIn: joel-ernst-002b59251
Ambient Sphere
The Editor, Create your own dynamic audio atmospheres for pen & paper, role-playing and board games.

My master’s project includes the theoretical and practical examination with the editor of the start-up Ambient Sphere. Ambient Sphere takes a new approach to providing role players with variable and intuitively adaptable audio atmospheres.
Ambient Sphere is a start-up from Münster. Out of their own interest, they have made it their task to give all of us the opportunity to create an audio atmosphere as desired. The focus is on variability and adaptability, since these attributes are fundamental for an audio software when playing pen & paper adventures. My master’s project includes the theoretical and practical examination of the editor, which enables us to create our own atmospheres in order to be able to use them later in our own campaigns. The result is a digital prototype that will be available as a web application in the near future.
Of course I would like to thank the guys from Ambient Sphere for a good cooperation and a great time. Furthermore I would also like to thank my examiners, who always stood by my side. Finally, I must also thank everyone who took part in my surveys and those I was allowed to interview for my research. A big thank you to Jonas, Alex and Jesse, Tina Glückselig and Henning Tietz, Stefan Denecke, Julian and Daniela and of course to everyone else!
- First Examiner: Prof. Dipl.-Des. Tina Glückselig
- Second Examiner: Prof. Dipl.-Des. Henning Tietz