Fea Dunse

Bachelor of Arts Communication Design
Hi, I’m Fea, communication designer and barkeeper. Since I started balthazar bar in 2020, I combine design and hospitality.
Used Software
Adobe Illustrator, Adobe InDesign, Figma
Contact Details
balthazar bar menu
a bar menu for the balthazar bar

Food and beverage menus are often boring. Lovelessly listed ingredients that leave one perplexed. In my project I develop a bar menu that makes taste creatively tangible.
Flavor is a complex process that stimulates all our senses, a sensory overall experience, just like visiting a bar. The challenge of the project was to make the complex overall experience creatively tangible by means of the bar menu. For many people it is difficult to talk about flavor because it has not been learned. The bar menu communicates the complex flavors of the cocktails and helps people make a decision. The appealing and stimulating design evokes emotions and memories, just as flavor can, so the bar menu becomes an overall sensory experience.
I would like to thank all the people who have inspired, encouraged and supported me on my way. I would especially like to thank my husband Timo. Thank you for your motivation and for always having my back.
- First Examiner: Prof. Dipl.-Des. Daniel Braun
- Second Examiner: Dipl.-Des. Paul Bičište