Helen Brose

Master Communication Design
I’m Helen, communication designer. With corporate design, web design or editorial I want people and brands to be seen. Design manages to create characters and tell stories. That’s what I want to achieve with design.
Used Software
InDesign, Photoshop, XD, figma, AfterEffects, Illustrator
Contact Details
- Mail: brosehelen@gmail.com
- LinkedIn: helen-brose-4b00771a8
Fuzzy – Stories of Strangers
A podcast with fictional and real stories of strangers

Sometimes strangers are more fascinating than acquaintances. You meet them everyday. In some cases, you talk to them – at a party, in town, or while traveling – and you even take something with you for life before paths split again…
The fascination for strangers and their stories appears in our lives again and again. They hold us, motivate us or make us forget our everyday life for a moment. That’s exactly what this podcast “Fuzzy” aims to do. People share their stories with people. For this, a wide variety of people are given a voice. They are allowed to speak freely and tell a fictional or real story in one episode. Each person remains anonymous. In the first quarter, the podcast deals with the topic of freedom. This is a topic that is very close to my heart and is especially important to people this year. In addition to creating a podcast, there will be posts on social media on the current episodes. The best stories will be captured in a magazine, available for purchase once a year.
Thank you to everyone who gave me tips and supported me for my project. Most of all, thank you to the people who openly shared their story.
- First Examiner: Prof. Dipl.-Des. Rüdiger Quass von Deyen
- Second Examiner: Prof. Dr. Björn P. Böer