Julia Pawlik

Master Communication Design
In my design work I translate complex questions and issues, with a focus on reflection and exchange. Through this I continuously get to know new perspectives and explore the unknown to develop intelligent ideas. I therefore progress my skills as a designer.
Used Software
InDesign, Illustrator, Miro
Contact Details
- Mail: pawlik-julia@web.de
- Instagram: julia__pawlik
- Behance: juliapawlik
Visual Design Principles
concept for the exchange about visual design principles and their use in the context of social change

The concept encourages the examination of and the exchange about visual design principles and their use in the context of social change, to support forming a position on the subject.
Visual design principles serve as the basis of good design and are as such an essential part of the design process. The requirements of design are always changing—not least because of social changes. How do these changes affect our use of visual design principles and what should it look like in the future? This work presents different perspectives and in that way encourages exchange and forming of positions.
- First Examiner: Prof. Dipl.-Des. Rüdiger Quass von Deyen
- Second Examiner: Prof. Dipl.-Des. Daniel Braun